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An Observable is the core type in ReactiveX. It serially pushes items, known as emissions, through a series of operators until it finally arrives at an Observer, where they are consumed.

Push-based (rather than pull-based) iteration opens up powerful new possibilities to express code and concurrency much more quickly. Because an Observable treats events as data and data as events, composing the two together becomes trivial.

There are many ways to create an Observable that hands items to an Observer. You can use a create() factory and pass it functions that handle items:

  • The on_next function is called each time the Observable emits an item.

  • The on_completed function is called when the Observable completes.

  • The on_error function is called when an error occurs on the Observable.

You do not have to specify all three event types. You can pick and choose which events you want to observe by providing only some of the callbacks, or simply by providing a single lambda for on_next. Typically in production, you will want to provide an on_error handler so that errors are explicitly handled by the subscriber.

Let’s consider the following example:

from reactivex import create

def push_five_strings(observer, scheduler):

source = create(push_five_strings)

    on_next = lambda i: print("Received {0}".format(i)),
    on_error = lambda e: print("Error Occurred: {0}".format(e)),
    on_completed = lambda: print("Done!"),

An Observable is created with create. On subscription, the push_five_strings function is called. This function emits five items. The three callbacks provided to the subscribe function simply print the received items and completion states. Note that the use of lambdas simplify the code in this basic example.


Received Alpha
Received Beta
Received Gamma
Received Delta
Received Epsilon

However, there are many Observable factories for common sources of emissions. To simply push five items, we can rid the create() and its backing function, and use of(). This factory accepts an argument list, iterates on each argument to emit them as items, and the completes. Therefore, we can simply pass these five Strings as arguments to it:

from reactivex import of

source = of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon")

    on_next = lambda i: print("Received {0}".format(i)),
    on_error = lambda e: print("Error Occurred: {0}".format(e)),
    on_completed = lambda: print("Done!"),

And a single parameter can be provided to the subscribe function if completion and error are ignored:

from reactivex import of

source = of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon")

source.subscribe(lambda value: print("Received {0}".format(value)))


Received Alpha
Received Beta
Received Gamma
Received Delta
Received Epsilon

Operators and Chaining

You can also derive new Observables using over 130 operators available in RxPY. Each operator will yield a new Observable that transforms emissions from the source in some way. For example, we can map() each String to its length, then filter() for lengths being at least 5. These will yield two separate Observables built off each other.

from reactivex import of, operators as op

source = of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon")

composed = source.pipe( s: len(s)),
    op.filter(lambda i: i >= 5)
composed.subscribe(lambda value: print("Received {0}".format(value)))


Received 5
Received 5
Received 5
Received 7

Typically, you do not want to save Observables into intermediary variables for each operator, unless you want to have multiple subscribers at that point. Instead, you want to strive to inline and create an “Observable pipeline” of operations. That way your code is readable and tells a story much more easily.

from reactivex import of, operators as op

of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon").pipe( s: len(s)),
    op.filter(lambda i: i >= 5)
).subscribe(lambda value: print("Received {0}".format(value)))

Custom operator

As operators chains grow up, the chains must be split to make the code more readable. New operators are implemented as functions, and can be directly used in the pipe operator. When an operator is implemented as a composition of other operators, then the implementation is straightforward, thanks to the pipe function:

import reactivex
from reactivex import operators as ops

def length_more_than_5():
    return rx.pipe( s: len(s)),
        ops.filter(lambda i: i >= 5),

reactivex.of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon").pipe(
).subscribe(lambda value: print("Received {0}".format(value)))

In this example, the map and filter operators are grouped in a new length_more_than_5 operator.

It is also possible to create an operator that is not a composition of other operators. This allows to fully control the subscription logic and items emissions:

import reactivex

def lowercase():
    def _lowercase(source):
        def subscribe(observer, scheduler = None):
            def on_next(value):

            return source.subscribe(
        return reactivex.create(subscribe)
    return _lowercase

reactivex.of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon").pipe(
     ).subscribe(lambda value: print("Received {0}".format(value)))

In this example, the lowercase operator converts all received items to lowercase. The structure of the _lowercase function is a very common way to implement custom operators: It takes a source Observable as input, and returns a custom Observable. The source observable is subscribed only when the output Observable is subscribed. This allows to chain subscription calls when building a pipeline.


Received alpha
Received beta
Received gamma
Received delta
Received epsilon


CPU Concurrency

To achieve concurrency, you use two operators: subscribe_on() and observe_on(). Both need a Scheduler which provides a thread for each subscription to do work (see section on Schedulers below). The ThreadPoolScheduler is a good choice to create a pool of reusable worker threads.


GIL has the potential to undermine your concurrency performance, as it prevents multiple threads from accessing the same line of code simultaneously. Libraries like NumPy can mitigate this for parallel intensive computations as they free the GIL. RxPy may also minimize thread overlap to some degree. Just be sure to test your application with concurrency and ensure there is a performance gain.

The subscribe_on() instructs the source Observable at the start of the chain which scheduler to use (and it does not matter where you put this operator). The observe_on(), however, will switch to a different Scheduler at that point in the Observable chain, effectively moving an emission from one thread to another. Some Observable factories and operators, like interval() and delay(), already have a default Scheduler and thus will ignore any subscribe_on() you specify (although you can pass a Scheduler usually as an argument).

Below, we run three different processes concurrently rather than sequentially using subscribe_on() as well as an observe_on().

import multiprocessing
import random
import time
from threading import current_thread

import reactivex
from reactivex.scheduler import ThreadPoolScheduler
from reactivex import operators as ops

def intense_calculation(value):
    # sleep for a random short duration between 0.5 to 2.0 seconds to simulate a long-running calculation
    time.sleep(random.randint(5, 20) * 0.1)
    return value

# calculate number of CPUs, then create a ThreadPoolScheduler with that number of threads
optimal_thread_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
pool_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(optimal_thread_count)

# Create Process 1
reactivex.of("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon").pipe( s: intense_calculation(s)), ops.subscribe_on(pool_scheduler)
    on_next=lambda s: print("PROCESS 1: {0} {1}".format(current_thread().name, s)),
    on_error=lambda e: print(e),
    on_completed=lambda: print("PROCESS 1 done!"),

# Create Process 2
reactivex.range(1, 10).pipe( s: intense_calculation(s)), ops.subscribe_on(pool_scheduler)
    on_next=lambda i: print("PROCESS 2: {0} {1}".format(current_thread().name, i)),
    on_error=lambda e: print(e),
    on_completed=lambda: print("PROCESS 2 done!"),

# Create Process 3, which is infinite
reactivex.interval(1).pipe( i: i * 100),
    ops.observe_on(pool_scheduler), s: intense_calculation(s)),
    on_next=lambda i: print("PROCESS 3: {0} {1}".format(current_thread().name, i)),
    on_error=lambda e: print(e),

input("Press Enter key to exit\n")


Press Enter key to exit
PROCESS 1: Thread-1 Alpha
PROCESS 2: Thread-2 1
PROCESS 3: Thread-4 0
PROCESS 2: Thread-2 2
PROCESS 1: Thread-1 Beta
PROCESS 3: Thread-7 100
PROCESS 3: Thread-7 200
PROCESS 2: Thread-2 3
PROCESS 1: Thread-1 Gamma
PROCESS 1: Thread-1 Delta
PROCESS 2: Thread-2 4
PROCESS 3: Thread-7 300

IO Concurrency

IO concurrency is also supported for several asynchronous frameworks, in combination with associated RxPY schedulers. The following example implements a simple echo TCP server that delays its answers by 5 seconds. It uses AsyncIO as an event loop.

The TCP server is implemented in AsyncIO, and the echo logic is implemented as an RxPY operator chain. Futures allow the operator chain to drive the loop of the coroutine.

from collections import namedtuple
import asyncio
import reactivex
import reactivex.operators as ops
from reactivex.subject import Subject
from reactivex.scheduler.eventloop import AsyncIOScheduler

EchoItem = namedtuple('EchoItem', ['future', 'data'])

def tcp_server(sink, loop):
    def on_subscribe(observer, scheduler):
        async def handle_echo(reader, writer):
            print("new client connected")
            while True:
                data = await reader.readline()
                data = data.decode("utf-8")
                if not data:

                future = asyncio.Future()
                await future

            print("Close the client socket")

        def on_next(i):

        print("starting server")
        server = asyncio.start_server(handle_echo, '', 8888, loop=loop)


    return reactivex.create(on_subscribe)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
proxy = Subject()
source = tcp_server(proxy, loop)
aio_scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler(loop=loop)

source.pipe( i: i._replace(data="echo: {}".format(,
).subscribe(proxy, scheduler=aio_scheduler)


Execute this code from a shell, and connect to it via telnet. Then each line that you type is echoed 5 seconds later.

telnet localhost 8888
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
echo: foo

If you connect simultaneously from several clients, you can see that requests are correctly served, multiplexed on the AsyncIO event loop.

Default Scheduler

There are several ways to choose a scheduler. The first one is to provide it explicitly to each operator that supports a scheduler. However this can be annoying when a lot of operators are used. So there is a second way to indicate what scheduler will be used as the default scheduler for the whole chain: The scheduler provided in the subscribe call is the default scheduler for all operators in a pipe.

).subscribe(proxy, scheduler=my_default_scheduler)

Operators that accept a scheduler select the scheduler to use in the following way:

  • If a scheduler is provided for the operator, then use it.

  • If a default scheduler is provided in subscribe, then use it.

  • Otherwise use the default scheduler of the operator.